Koh Yang _ Beautiful Hard Corals Reef

Where: Koh Yang / Tarutao National Park / Thailand

When: April/2017

Water temperature: warm

Visibility: Good (10-15 meters)

Main attractions: Hard coral reef

Duration: approximately 30 minutes

This was the last snorkeling of the day trip from Koh Lipe to some of the Tarutao National Park islands (after Koh Jabang and Koh Hin Ngam).

The island was not too far from Koh Lipe:

Some nice fishes were there. The place had islands of hard corals in the sand. The hard corals were very diverse and healthy. Here is a photo of the common scenario:

Bridled Parrotfish _ Scarus frenatus 02

Moorish Idol _ Zanclus cornutus 2 (3)

Brain Corals

ai giant brain coral 01
ai brain coral close 02

The brain corals were beautiful, I remember seeing at least 4 huge ones.

Funnel Coral _ Montipora sp.

ai coral lettuce like 01

There was a good amount of Montipora corals there, but these purple ones were very special:

ai purple hard coral 03 (2)
ai purple hard coral 01 (2)

Table coral _ Acropora latistella

ai green hard coral 01 (2)

The perfect refugee for damselfishes, mostly the lemon damsels.

Staghorn Coral _ Acropora sp.

ai Staghorn coral 02

Saw a few of them there.

ai Staghorn coral 03

Moorish Idol _ Zanclus cornutus 2 (2)

Behn’s Damsel _ Neoglyphidodon nigroris (juvenile)

Behns Damsel _ Neoglyphidodon nigroris juvenile 01 (2)

This little fish was swimming alone near some funnel corals, very nice black-and-yellow striped colors.

Bicolor blenny _ Ecsenius bicolor

Bicolor blenny _ Ecsenius bicolor 01 (2)

One of the most beautiful blennies in my opinion. Only saw it here and for a short time. They use to stay still on the corals until you come close.

Bowtie Damselfish _ Neoglyphidodon melas

Bowtie Damselfish _ Neoglyphidodon melas 01 (2)

An all black damsel, looks like a shadow fish. Not a common find.

Bridled Parrotfish _ Scarus frenatus

Bridled Parrotfish _ Scarus frenatus 01jpg (2)

This was a male in its final adult stage, you can identify it by the light green color of the lower half of the head and the posterior body region.

Checkered Snapper _ Lutjanus decussatus

Checkered Snapper _ Lutjanus decussatus 01 (2)

They habit offshore and inshore coral reefs, most time on the transition between the corals and the sand bottoms.

Dusky parrotfish _ Scarus niger

Dusky parrotfish _ Scarus niger 01 (2)

Common parrotfish at the Tarutao National Park (Koh Lipe neighborhood). This is a male specimen.

Easter Triangular Butterflyfish _ Chaetodon baronessa

Easter Triangular Butterflyfish _ Chaetodon baronessa 01 (2)

Saw it eating from this staghorn coral, it is a common fish in the Andaman sea.

Lemon damselfish _ Pomacentrus moluccensis

Lemon damselfish Pomacentrus moluccensis green hard coral 02 (2)

Very common on table corals, staghorn corals… Here I found some groups on many occasions.

Lined Surgeonfish _ Acanthurus lineatus

Lined Surgeonfish _ Acanthurus lineatus 03 (2)

For me, it was a rare finding, only saw it on that occasion. Beautiful specimen. Take another look at this nice fish:

Lined Surgeonfish _ Acanthurus lineatus 04 (2)

Melon Butterflyfish _ Chaetodon trifasciatus

Melon Butterflyfish _ Chaetodon trifasciatus 01 (2)

The Melon Butterflyfish is most often seen in pairs, this one stayed a little longer near me because it was distracted eating.

Melon Butterflyfish _ Chaetodon trifasciatus 02 (2)

Moon Wrasse _ Thalassoma lunare

Moon Wrasse _ Thalassoma lunare 01 (2)

Very common and often passing near humans, look at the beautiful pectoral fins.

Rollands Demoiselle _ Chrysiptera rollandi

Rollands Demoiselle _ Chrysiptera rollandi 01 (3)

The adults of this species are small in size, so I am not sure at which stage it was. A great colorful mini fish.

Skunk Anemonefish _ Amphiprion akallopisos

Skunk Anemonefish _ Amphiprion akallopisos 01 (2)

These common but shy anemonefishes are very important for anemones health. It protects the anemone from other fishes who feed on them and give them some food remains from its preys.

On the other hand, the anemones protect them with its stinging tentacles (the anemonefish is covered by a thick mucus that makes them immune to the actinian nematocysts). It is a mutualism relation defined as symbiosis.

Two-lined Monocle Bream _ Scolopsis bilineata

Two lined Monocled Bream _ Scolopsis bilineata 01 (2)

A carnivore fish that has a beautiful design on its head an upper body. Unusual finding.

Yellowtail Sergeant _ Abudefduf notatus

Yellowtail Sergeant _ Abudefduf notatus 03 (2)

A not so common sergeant, saw a big group that wasn’t any scared by my presence. They were swimming on the surface as they were looking for someone to feed them (maybe that is a common practice in this place…)

Yellowtail Sergeant _ Abudefduf notatus 01 (2)


Magnificent Anemone _ Heteractis magnifica

Magnificent Anemone _ Heteractis magnifica 01 (2)

There was some anemone here and there, but their number was not very impressive.

Giant clam _ Tridacna sp.

ai giant clams blue 03 (2)

Found some at this place, but after seeing a large number at Koh Hin Ngam, didn’t feel the urge to registrate many of them.

ai giant clams 02 (2)

Black sea cucumber _ Holothuria atra

Black sea cucumber _ Holothuria atra 01 (2)

This common and ugly black sea cucumber is doing its job of a scavenger of the sandy bottoms. As seen by its size, must be doing its job very well.

Banded Sea Urchin _Echinothrix calamaris

Banded Sea Urchin _Echinothrix calamaris 01 (2)

This sea urchin is way less common than the black diadema species, do not get too close to them, because they sting.

Noble Feather Star _ Comaster nobilis

ai Feather Star 01

This young feather star was placed on a beautiful coral with a very nice texture.

Overall: Place with good visibility and a large variety of corals, including some giant brain corals.  Lots of different species of fishes, some I only found there. Great snorkeling!

More places of the “Plankton e Sunset Trip” from Koh Lipe:

Koh Jabang

Koh Hin Ngam

Koh Yang Pin1

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